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Modern Slavery Statement

  1. Overview

1.1.1 Strategise Australia has a strict policy against modern slavery and exploitation in any form. This includes trafficking in persons, slavery, servitude, forced marriage, forced labour, debt bondage, the worst forms of child labour, and deceptive recruiting for labour or services. We are dedicated to minimising the risk of modern slavery within our business and supply chain. To mitigate this risk, we limit our services to the countries where our branches are located and comply with all relevant laws and regulations in these countries. We have determined that the risk of modern slavery among our direct workforce is extremely low, and our policies and procedures further reduce this risk. However, we recognise that our greatest risk of exposure to modern slavery may be through our supplier relationships. We have identified and assessed potential risks within our supply chain in areas such as office cleaning, IT hardware, print and promotional goods and services, using indicators such as sector and industry risk, product and service risk, geographic risk, and entity risk.


1.2 Actions to Assess and Address Risks

1.2.1  Strategise Australia is committed to identifying and addressing modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chains. To achieve this, we focus on three main principles:

  • Building strong relationships with partners throughout the supply chain, including by providing awareness of modern slavery, communicating our expectations, and responding to potential inappropriate practices.
  • Adopting a risk management approach to identify and evaluate high-risk areas for modern slavery and monitoring these risks.
  • Recognising the impact our business practices can have on modern slavery and taking steps to influence change.

1.2.2 Strategise Australia included clauses in standard contracts to address workplace health and safety, pay, working conditions, and other statutory regulations.


1.3 Governance

1.3.1 Strategise Australia takes a comprehensive approach to assessing and addressing modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains. This includes building strong relationships with our partners, both within and outside of our supply chain, and adopting a risk management approach to identify high-risk areas. Additionally, we recognise the power of our business practices to influence change and have implemented policies and procedures to help mitigate risks and promote responsible, ethical behaviour. We have an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, Bullying and Harassment Policy, Code of Conduct, Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Policy, Risk Management Policy, Work, Health, and Safety Policy Statement, and Whistleblowing Policy. All Strategise Australia employees are required to comply with these policies.


1.4 Remediation Measures Grievances and Complaints 

1.4.1 Strategise Australia has a Whistleblower Policy that enables its employees, directors and contractors to raise concerns in a confidential manner. They can also report any suspected instances of modern slavery through this channel. To ensure the effectiveness of our actions, Strategise Australia takes the following measures:

  • Conducting on-site inspections of client locations to evaluate Work Health and Safety standards and addressing any substandard conditions that could contribute to modern slavery risks.
  • Monitoring compliance with our standard contractor and commercial contracts.
  • Maintaining open communication and engagement with contractors and clients to promote positive dialogue and address any concerns.
  • Verifying that contractors comply with statutory working rights.
  • Educating internal and external stakeholders about modern slavery risks and potential consequences.
  • Providing a third-party confidential Employee Assistance Program for Strategise Australia staff and contractors.
  • Investigating and identifying any trends in modern slavery related grievances reported through our grievance mechanisms.

Environmental Policy

In our role as a services provider to Australian federal government clients, we are acutely aware of the importance of reducing negative environmental impacts and promoting nature-positive outcomes. Our approach to environmental sustainability is centred around two key principles: the use of renewable and recycled resources, and the support of circular economy principles.


Use of Renewable and Recycled Resources:

We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint through the thoughtful use of resources. This involves prioritizing renewable over non-renewable resources in our operations wherever feasible. Additionally, we place a strong emphasis on using recycled materials, both in our office environments and in the delivery of our services. This not only reduces waste but also conserves natural resources, aligning our operations with the broader goal of environmental stewardship.


Supporting Circular Economy Principles:

Our commitment to environmental sustainability extends to embracing circular economy principles. We understand that a circular economy, which emphasizes the reuse and recycling of materials, is key to sustainable growth. To this end, we actively pursue strategies that reduce waste, promote the reuse of resources, and encourage recycling both within our organization and in our collaborations with government clients. By doing so, we aim to create a system where resources are utilized more efficiently, and the environmental impact is significantly reduced.


In our projects and operations, we consistently seek to innovate and implement practices that support these principles. From reducing paper use and encouraging digital solutions to selecting suppliers and partners who share our commitment to sustainability, we ensure that environmental considerations are integral to our decision-making process.


In conclusion, our approach to environmental sustainability is not just about compliance; it's about responsibility. We recognize that as a service provider to the government, we have a unique opportunity and obligation to lead by example in environmental stewardship. By actively working to reduce our ecological footprint and supporting the transition to a circular economy, we contribute to the preservation and enhancement of Australia's natural environment, ensuring it remains robust for future generations.

Indigenous Policy

In alignment with our dedication to supporting veteran communities, we are equally committed to the Australian Government's Indigenous Procurement Policy. As proponents of an inclusive and diverse procurement strategy, we recognize the critical importance of engaging and empowering Indigenous businesses.

Our advocacy for the government's Indigenous procurement policy is reflected in our strategic sourcing decisions, where we prioritize suppliers that share our values of inclusivity and community support. We actively monitor our procurement practices to ensure that they contribute positively to the Indigenous business sector.

Moreover, we are committed to continuous improvement in this area, seeking to increase our engagement with Indigenous suppliers and exploring ways to deepen these relationships. Through this commitment, we aim to play a significant role in the empowerment of Indigenous businesses, thus contributing to the broader national goals of reconciliation and economic inclusion

Veteran Procurement Policy

Strategise Australia is a staunch advocate for the Veterans Procurement Policy.